Adding course credit, decreasing compensation will deter students and faculty from...

When it came time to make my college decision, I was torn between DePauw and Northwestern University. I knew I wanted to pursue journalism;...

Natural hair on a college campus

When I was a senior in high school getting ready to leave for college, I had so many questions. Like most students, I...

It’s time to stop saying the administration hates Greek life

While the administration may hate the sexual assault, binge drinking, and hazing that seems to come along with Greek life, they do not hate...

Into the Political Fray

Aristotle once wrote, “Man is by nature a political animal.”  However, if you talked to the average person in 2014, you would certainly call...

Letter to the editor

    Our nation is currently having an intense debate about refugees. The Catholic Church does not prescribe the exact number of refugees a country...

State of the DePauw experience

Dear Depauw/Editor of The Depauw,     Our concern is this: current students, especially those in their first year, are receiving a different experience. DePauw’s motto...

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor,     I am writing to follow up to my Jan. 31 letter to the editor where I described one of my students sharing...

Why Greek property is a great place for prospective students

As a freshman, my overnight visit was not too long ago. Luckily for me, I have known my host since the third grade, but...

Trump’s appointments turn tables on Democrats

Senate Democrats only have themselves to blame for Betsy Devos, Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson and the rest of Trump’s controversial cabinet appointees.  This might...

Trump was never given a fair chance, but that does not...

From its outset, the Trump presidential campaign was greeted by media outlets who lined up to berate and analyze every detail and word...