Reality Check

In an article published by the Associated Press on Tuesday, it was announced that the United States is again slashing the number of refugees...

Wisdom From the Cosmos

No experience I've had is more fascinating than the simple act of looking up at the stars. Hidden in that beauty is the underlying...

Letter to the Editor: Bring Clarity to the Gold Commitment

Every new school year brings its own sense of excitement as we all gear up to do our work. This year is special because,...

See: Art. II, Sec. II, Cl. 2

It’s no shocker that I’m not a fan of Brett Kavanaugh. As someone who is a fan of general reason as well as human...

Opinion based on differences in American and Russian college education

I have always thought that the education (especially universities) in my country of Russia is one of the best ones around the world until...

Letter to the Editor from Concerned Faculty Members

Dear students, Welcome to a new academic year! As the first full week of the semester gets underway and you dive into your books and...

What year is it again?

There are plenty of ridiculous opinions out there in the world. Some people believe that the royal family are secretly lizard people. Some people...

How the Study of Language Enriches Your Life

Foreign languages are an integral part of a well-rounded education. Several advantages are gained by an individual who is proficient in a language other...

Letter to the Editor

To the DePauw Community, This week before Labor Day, I am writing about the one percent salary increase employees were given this year. Our health...

Editorial: “The village is broken.”

Tuesday evening, the New York Times published an article on the death of Jamel Myles, a 9-year-old boy who committed suicide after facing intense...