No Glory, No Problem

Being a student athlete at DePauw University compared to Indiana University or Ohio State University is vastly different. We do not get the benefits...

The Carrie Diaries: how dreams are made

"The Carrie Diaries," the CW's new series and prequel to longtime HBO hit "Sex and the City" premiered this week, drawing in a crowd...

Cheaters should continute to be kept out of Hall of Fame

This coming July will be a quiet one at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. Just last week, the Baseball Writers Association of America...

Tanning - the guilty pleasure I just can't give up

As the snow begins to fall and the weather continues to drop, the last remnants of summer tans fade away. As students realize their...

Winter Term: Staying healthy just got a little tougher

Coming to DePauw, one of my greatest fears was gaining the dreaded "freshman fifteen" and staying healthy in general. After a small amount of...

Chicago goes Canadian: a discussion of new Bears head coach Marc...

Let's face it - there are a lot of Chicago natives studying at DePauw. And you know what that means: a lot of Bears...

The knight grew: The story of Batman is deeper than cartoons

For many, Winter Term is a time to catch up on the long list of movies students have yet to see. Campus Living and...

Hard work in College as practice for real world

I can't even describe my outrage while reading the opinion article, "Lack of attendance policy harmful to students." At first I found it hilarious,...

Closing shop signals students to explore town

Local establishments are an important part of any community. They make towns unique and inviting. The owners are always very welcoming and interested in...

From a first-year: lay off Starbucks

I love both Starbucks and Downtown Deli. Why do I need to make this statement? Apparently, enjoying both Starbucks and Greencastle establishments is no...