Visit the 2024-2025 Faculty Review webpage for more information about sharing your experience with the Review Committee about any faculty member in 2024-25. You can write to the Faculty Personnel Policy and Review Committee ( or mail your letter to Carol Cox, Academic Affairs, 133 Julian Science & Mathematics Center.

Journalism Is Not Dead, It's Changing

The journalism industry might not be dead, but if the Board of Trustees and university president approves it, the famous Indiana University School of...


Find out what students said about the CLA and SoM relationship below. 

New Flower-In Guidlines to Keep Tradition Alive

Flower-ins - or kiss-ins, as they were once called - have been a part of campus greek tradition since the early 1970s. Since then, the...

DePauw's Hook-up Culture

  Tinder's plague has officially broken out, and now it's easier than ever to judge a book by its cover. The iPhone app is fun...

A Break from the Daily Grind

  Perhaps you have successfully avoided pulling out your syllabus, or maybe you're among the few who have already been keeping a close eye on...

Lifeline Law Applies to Organizatons and Individuals

  Dear Editor, As three staff members who work very closely with alcohol issues on campus, we were concerned by the editorial in Tuesday's edition of...

The Cross-Quad Rivalry: Energy Wars 2013

  Dear Editor, We, the faculty members of Asbury Hall, welcome the arrival of the Energy Games competition.  We have no doubt that our electricity reduction...


Find out what DePauw students are doing to avoid the sicknesses dubbed the Campus Plague in the graphic below.

Love: Why Can't We Study It?

Now that Valentine's Day is sufficiently behind us, those who despise the holiday can relax because there are 360 days (sorry to remind you)...

Heeding Bernstein's Call to Seek Truth

Here's the thing about being a college student. There is a serious disconnect between the open, thoughtful and educational environment we all experience in lecture...