Photopinion: campus plan edition
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Ubben Lectures on the upswing
The opportunity to hear Jimmy Wales and Nicholas Carr debate the impact technology has and might have on our lives is one of those...
Soccer fans, unite
There's a brilliant, shining light in our world of darkness and ignorance. It appears once every four years: the World Cup. For that one...
Retail me this: Why I love my job
I never needed to work a day in my life. My parents have been more than generous with my education, transportation and even fun...
How are you going to support the Tigers basketball players in...
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Variety has her falling in love with fitness all over again
For all the people out there who love the new cycling classes, let me start by saying this: I'm sorry. After anyone who hasn't tried...
'Environmental Service Commitment' needed to improve community
DePauw students have absolutely no shortage of campus involvement. From greek life to community service, Programs of Distinction to clubs and organizations, it's hard...