5 little Haikus for you

"Keep the roads clear. Be safe. Live, laugh, Little 5." -Rachel Cheeseman, junior "We stayed up ‘til 5 a.m. making the special section. You should read it now." -Ellen Kobe, sophomore "Ridin'...


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Letter to the editor

DePauw not yet back to the tap I was so excited to see that our highly paid elite speakers, Jimmy Wales and Nicholas Carr, enjoyed...


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Don't overlook campus musicians

Administrative leaders, such as President Casey, support student musical artists by hiring them to play concerts at their events. Students show support for their...

Many benefits to a longer lunch

The DePauw Student Government recently passed a white paper to extend the lunch hour. Although the faculty will not be directly dealing with this...

A tale of two cities: reflecting on the unpleasant and unexpected

Stewart Burns: I was out to dinner over spring break with ten fellow DePauw students. We walked into a small Mexican restaurant, not hiding the...

Style, social consciousness can mix

Superficial. Anorexic. Privileged. Judgmental. These are just a few words frequently used by critics to describe designers, models, editors and publications in the fashion...

Sports Photopinion

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