Consider long-term parking

Campus planning and aesthetics are at the core of DePauw's 2020 plan. Currently vehicles crowd the campus, and pushing them to the the outskirts...


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Change in the Middle East: Why this time is different

As I walk around campus, friends, professors and fellow students are curious to know my take — as an Arab-American and political science student...

Making a new friend at the end of a long night

Home," I instructed, sitting in the backseat. When my driver asked where home was, I directed him to Hoghetto Hall. Patrick dropped me off...

Photopinion: Student leaders edition

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Find atypical jobs to help bring home the loot

I have never had a real job. Unlike like my brother and friends, I never was a cashier at Target or a pizza chef...


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Recommendations for future leaders

Come May 1, barring unforeseen circumstances, current juniors Charles Pierre and Nic Flores will be inaugurated as student body president and executive vice president,...

Native plants: beautiful, cheap, sustainable

As winter's grip on campus loosens up and students once again come to life, the campus greenery also blooms.  Springtime at DePauw brings green...

Photopinion: Little 5 edition

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