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Back to School: A guide to the meal plan

Bon Appetit, DePauw University’s food service, has a mission to bring locally grown food to students and to give them healthier options, helping them avoid the infamous “freshman 15.” 

While many DePauw students already know the drill, freshmen and transfer students are new to the DePauw meal plan system. For those who are unfamiliar or just need a little refresher, The DePauw has a breakdown of the meal plan and how to use that “magic money.”

The Tiger Card: The Tiger Card, or I.D card, is every student’s way of entry into their living unit. It also contains every student’s meal plan money. If a student loses the Tiger Card, he or she can simply go to the IT Help Desk in the basement of the Union Building, directly next to the mail room, and have another one created for a charge of $20 to his or her school account.

Where to Eat: All meal plans work at The Hub, The Hub Express, The Den Bistro, Café Allegro, Café Roy, The Fluttering Duck and 2 West Bistro.

The Hub offers a one-swipe, all-you-care-to-eat buffet, while The Den operates in an a la carte style while doubling as a convenience store. Café Allegro and Café Roy are a la carte systems. 2 West and The Duck are on-campus restaurants for those who wish to dine out while still using their meal plan money. Students must simply present and swipe their Tiger Card at all of these locations for food access.

Out-In-Town Dining Program: Students who wish to eat out in town but do not want to spend any extra money may do so with their DPU Plus Points. All meal plans except for the UAOH Meal Plan have $50 per semester loaded onto the student’s Tiger Card for this purpose. Participating locations include: Almost Home, Charlie’s, Chief’s, Downtown Deli, Green Apple Frogurt, Mama Nunz Italian Steak House, Marvin’s and Pizza Dude.

Money: While most students usually have enough money on the Tiger Card to get them through the year, if students need to reload their Tiger Cards, they can do so at the Cash Receipts office in the Administration Building or at the Tiger Express website. After each purchase, the Tiger Card balance will be printed on their receipt so students can keep track of their balances. Remaining meal plan money from the end of fall semester will roll into spring semester. However, all meal plan money must be used by the end of the school year, or the money disappears.

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