After an Instagram story was posted by a student on Thursday, March 4, rumors have been circulating on campus that there is a private investigator that has been parked between Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Tau Delta since January.
The instagram story read, “do you think DePauw should be allowed to use PI’s to spy on their students?” Pictured was a red Jeep Cherokee.
Charlene Shrewsbury, chief of DePauw Police, addressed these rumors today by saying that DePauw has never hired a private investigator. Shrewsbury says that DePauw Police have interacted with the man pictured in the vehicle before, and that he is experiencing homelessness and lives in his car.
“He said he feels safest nearby campus because there are people in law enforcement that pass by on a continual basis,” Shrewsbury said. “He does not feel safe staying in a park.”
According to Shrewsbury, he is parked on city streets that DePauw Police does not control. “Now, we have received a call from a student concerned about him being parked there,” Shrewsbury said. “Which we want students to continue to do if there's suspicious activity or a suspicious person. We want to be notified so we can go and investigate it, but we have not hired a private investigator.”