Get to know your finalists


The 2018 finalists for the Walker Cup and the Murad Medal have been announced, and the winner will be chosen on Friday at the University Awards Convocation. Here are the candidates.

Murad Medal

Liz Aguilar

Major: Biochemistry

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA


  • Science Research Fellow
  • Bonner Scholar


  • Recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
  • 2017 Barry M. Goldwater National Scholarship recipient
  • American Chemical Scholar

Quote: "DePauw reaffirmed my desire to break down barriers in higher education for underrepresented students and to continue learning as a scholar and activist."


Blake Beckemeyer

Major: Vocal Performance and Mathematics

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA


  • Honors Scholar
  • Presidential Ambassador
  • Music Director for First Christian Church


  • Member of the SOM Dean’s Cabinet for then-Dean Mark McCoy
  • Founded a concert series in 2016 to benefit Jason Asbury’s ’95 foundation
  • Winner of this year’s DPU Concerto Competition

Quote: "I am grateful for the opportunities here, both through DePauw or connections created at DePauw. Moreover, I have developed lasting friendships with students, faculty, and staff that will serve me for the rest of my life. I feel lucky to have had the experience that I did at DePauw."


Anna Savery

Major: History

Hometown: Zionsville, IN


  • Honor Scholar
  • William Wallace Carson Scholar
  • Member of Mortar Board Honor Society


  • Wrote the first concise historical narrative of Indiana Legal Services
  • Created a pocket park on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc.
  • Recreated the history of the neighborhood of Springdale by analyzing primary source documents

Quote: "The most invaluable aspect of my DePauw experience has been the relationships I have created with professors. I feel that I have so many brilliant mentors that are always willing to engage with me in an out of the classroom."


Walker Cup

Ben Kusber

Major: Cellular Molecular Biology and German

Hometown: San Carlos, CA


  • Rector Scholar
  • Science Research Fellow
  • Served on the Interfraternal Council to promote diversity and inclusion within the Greek community


  • Raised over $5,000 for Riley’s Children Hospital as Philanthropy Chair of                                 Sigma Chi
  • Will be working at The Damien Center, and HIV/AIDS clinic, to work towards creating treatment and prevention for those living with HIV or AIDS.
  • Served on the LGBTQIA+ Advisory Board to help give students a stronger voice on campus

Quote: “It is hard to describe my time here at DePauw. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but am beyond grateful to the people I have met that helped support me and push me along the way.”


Peter Gorman

Major: Global Health

Hometown: Chicago, IL


  • Bonner Scholar
  • Has served as president of Timmy Health Global
  • Posse Scholar


  • Benjamin A. Gilman recipient
  • Co-founded DePauw First
  • Served on the Faculty Committee for the Course and Calendar Oversight Committee

Quote: "The opportunities and experiences that I have had at DePauw have helped me foster my passions in community service, global health and mentoring first-generation college students on campus. My DePauw experience has taught me how to be a better leader and how to grow as a person in society.


Diamond McDonald

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN


  • Alumni chair of the Association for African American Students
  • Resident Assistant
  • Vice President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated


  • Earned the Order of Omega Rising Greek Leader Award
  • Held positions in DePauw Student Government for four years
  • Will be attending Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Tampa, Florida after graduation

Quote: “It is through my DePauw experience that I have ultimately defied all the odds set against me. I am a black woman and the product of a single-mother home. For most of my life, I lived in a lower-income community. Coming to DePauw with these circumstances, I felt as if all the odds were stacked against me. This new reality was a culture shock; however, I found a support system in my peers, professors, and administrators who pushed me into my purpose and helped me to discover the diamond within me.”