WGRE: The Zesty Sounds of “Lemon Glow"


I’ve received countless recommendations to listen to Beach House from friends and strangers I’ve encountered. I guess I’m stubborn when it comes to people telling me what to do, but I’ve brushed off their suggestions for years; until now.

Beach House was founded in 2004 by Victoria Legrand and Alex Scally. They released their latest single, “Lemon Glow,” on Valentine’s Day in 2018. This is the first single for their upcoming seventh album, currently named “7.” A cute person at a party last week told me to listen to the single, so I got weak and finally listened.

First of all, I love the title. It simply looks good. “Lemon Glow,” look at it and all of its O’s and L’s. I absolutely adore fruit imagery in poetry and lyrics, so this is right up my alley.

It is actually required that you listen to this song with headphones. This rule was made by me, but it is important you follow it. Having the track going straight to your ears with no obstructions immerses you in the heavy synths, which I think is vital to enjoying this sort of music. There are so many instrumental elements in this song which enable you to find new sounds to focus on through repeated listens.

During my first listen, I zoned in on the rolling, pulsing notes that start the tune and persist through the duration of the track. I can’t pinpoint why or how, but I think fixating on this string of notes actually made me feel nauseous, which I think is pretty cool. Be prepared to spend some time with this song; it’s worth it.

While I enjoyed this song, I believe I will have to take Beach House in small increments. Their music is so finessed and jam-packed with noise that it overwhelms me. If I listened to this band all the time, I think it would pound my brain into a pulp. Beach House’s music is built for those late nights where you are sitting around with your friends.

Be sure to listen for this song on WGRE in the coming weeks! The station is live 24-7 online and on the airwaves at 91.5 FM. You can find our social media and music updates on our website, located at wgre.org. Thanks for tuning in!