The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra visits DePauw University School of Music


It was the perfect background music to a beautiful day: cheery, exciting and so precisely performed that it sounded like a perfect recording instead of a mastered live performance. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra performed at DePauw on Sunday evening to a group of classical music fans and students alike in Kresge Auditorium.

The concert was a part of the 2014-2015 Green Guest Artist Concert series. It was an all Beethoven program; Beethoven’s Symphony No.8 in F Minor, Concerto No. 3 in C Minor and Leonore Overture No.  3.

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is one of the most highly regarded and acclaimed orchestras in the country. They did not play as individual musicians but rather a combined force of sound, creating one musical identity. Comparable to a well oiled machine, all performing perfectly off of the signals coming from the conductor’s wand.

During Concerto No. 3, recording artist, Alice Sara Ott, accompanied the orchestra on the piano. She is an internationally known award-winning pianist and received a standing ovation from the audience in Kresge on Sunday night. Even though her performance only lasted one song, in the middle of the concert, she stayed afterwards to sign autographs and meet fans in the Kresge lobby.

“I thought it was an amazing work of art; the pianist and all the other instrumentalists were just fabulous. They were all really into the music,” said first-year Natalia Fumero D’fana. “It was definitely something great to watch.”

This is not the first time that the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra has come to campus. In February of 2014, the orchestra preformed in Kresge, a part of the Green Guest Artist Concert Series. The orchestra performed Strauss, Mozart and Beethoven and featured international violinist, Stefan Jackiw.

“I thought it was lovely, it was one of my first times hearing the ISO,” said sophomore Evie Brosious.

“It’s awesome!” said first year and music major, Christina Goetz.

No one left that auditorium in a bad mood. The lighthearted music and calm atmosphere made it, quite possibly, the best way to end a Sunday afternoon. I look forward to hearing them the next time that they come to campus, and hopefully that is very soon.