Editor's Note: Due to recent cybersecurity concerns, as detailed in an email sent to students and faculty on October 31, e-Services Course Requests are currently unavailable to students. Moreover, deadlines for Course Request submissions may be subject to change. These will be updated as more information is available.
It's that time of year again! On October 12, the 2024 Spring Schedule of Courses was made available to all students. It’s now less than a week until choices are due. Whether you are an overwhelmed first-year or an upperclassman looking to meet your requirements for graduation, it is important to make effective decisions that will benefit your education.
Tip #1: Double-Check Deadlines
Students can make requests for courses from October 23 to November 9. However, registration deadlines look a bit different for everyone. To ensure unbiased priority for students, the scheduling program will run different groups of students on different dates. If your last name is between the letters F and K, November 6 is your deadline for class requests. If you fall between letters A through E, requests are due on November 7, S through Z on November 8, and L through R on November 9. All requests are due by 2 p.m. This prioritized alphabetic list rotates every semester, so do not fret if you are near the bottom of priority groups!
Spring schedules will be available on November 14, and adjustments can be made afterward based on the number of credits you require.
Tip #2: Do your research!
DePauw requires every student to complete credit requirements that are unique to a liberal arts education. This includes courses in writing, science and math, language, international experience, arts and humanities, and more. Students in the School of Music (SoM) also have specific courses necessary for their degree program. View your transcript and see how many credits you still require in a given distribution area. Look at classes that will allow you to complete these requirements early on in your education so that you can focus on classes within your field(s) of interest later on.
Whether you are a SoM or a College of Liberal Arts (CLA) student, it is important to think about your chosen major(s) and minor(s). DePauw’s website contains information on graduation requirements for each student’s intended degree. If you are a CLA student, look here. If you are a SOM student, look here! Start to map out the rest of your time at DePauw, and look at courses in your chosen area. Pay attention to what appeals to you. It doesn’t hurt to chat with other students on the same pathway.
Tip #3: Map it Out and Schedule a Meeting
Though it may seem daunting, the scheduling process is quite simple. When initiating requests in e-Services, the screen brings you to a chart. There are slots labeled numerically for you to list your choices. Separate these by credit or course type, and request in order of priority. List alternatives too, in case you do not get into your top choices. When submitted, the system will process your request.The schedule that you receive on November 14 is what the system finalizes. CLA students are allowed 4.5 credits, and SoM students are allowed 5 credits maximum without overload. If your schedule is over this credit limit, you run the risk of overload charges for tuition.
If you haven't already, reach out to your advisor(s) to set up a meeting! Bring your ideal schedule. They can approve it and offer suggestions. They will then provide you with a Registration Access Code (RAC) code that is necessary to submit your requests in e-Services. Take this opportunity to discuss plans and goals. Be sure to mention Winter Term, May Term, off-campus studies, and internships, too!
Tip #4: Find a balance!
As a student, it is important to value your education and time spent at DePauw. Choose classes that are appealing and interesting to you! Talk with friends and upperclassmen to get advice and opinions on courses, and visit sites like Rate My Professor to get honest feedback. Consider your sports and activity schedules, sleeping patterns, and study habits. And if your schedule doesn’t look ideal when it is released in a few weeks, don’t panic. There is time to make changes.
The Office of the Registrar encourages students to reach out with any concerns or questions by calling (765) 658-4141 or emailing registrarsoffice@depauw.edu.