White paper aims to improve admissions


In an effort to make prospective students' experiences more enjoyable and personable, student government passed a white paper at their meeting Sunday to spearhead improvements in the admissions office and the student body.
The white paper outlines the goals of assisting admissions in improving prospective students' application process and visits, hopefully making them more memorable and positive.
Proposed changes include planning prospective student weekends while many events are taking place to provide a diverse, realistic experience, making changes to the Tiger Ambassador program and altering the tours and information sessions.
The Office of Admissions plans to collect first year students' opinions on how their experiences as prospective students weighed into their decision to come to DePauw in order to determine how to better the process
Junior Annie Bowers, student body secretary, is leading this initiative.
"This is an issue that I started last semester," Bowers said. "I got interested in admissions personally and saw that we as students can form a connection with admissions to improve the admissions process."
Bowers does not think all of the changes suggested in the white papers to be implemented, but hopes that admissions will take a few of the suggestions so as to improve their process.
According to Bowers, making small changes - such as having the Tiger Ambassador program write handwritten notes to students to make them feel more at home - would go a long way.
"We as students can make a difference in looking at ways we can improve the admissions process such as the Tiger Ambassador program," Bowers said. "I think it is special for them to write the prospective student a note."
In addition, student government feels that admissions should hire a more diverse group of tour guides. They also explored the idea of seniors conducting interviews because they are involved in student life.
Student government believes that if admissions takes some of these suggestions, they will present DePauw in its best light, encouraging prospective students to make the university their new home.