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What IS Bell Week?

What IS Bell Week?

The hype for Monon builds up all year, but it’s only one football game on one day. As we looked at old issues of The DePauw, we realized Monon WEEK used to actually be a thing. This year, Monon was barely a day of activity, let alone a week, and we won!

In order to combat the rut we seem to be in regarding school spirit, we can offer a couple of ways that may improve Bell Week in the future.

Those on the football team tend to have a different Monon experience than their fans in the stands. But as fans, we think there should be more opportunities to show our tiger pride and generate some hype.

One idea is that DePauw Student Government (DSG) should host a big pep rally with the team, band and cheerleaders, not one where students are just handed free t-shirts. We were on the right track two years ago when DSG held a huge pep rally in Stewart Plaza with music playing, free snacks, t-shirts and the football team. We need more of that. 

Student organizations should also hold competitions against Wabash the week leading up to the game to get us in the competitive spirit and keep our rivalry alive. We’re talking debates, flag football or ultimate frisbee tournaments, maybe even competitions to raise money for a certain charity. We want to feel the excitement of the game all week long, and honestly, reiterating the fact that Wabash is an all men’s college and DePauw isn’t, just isn’t original and frankly does not constitute school spirit. 

Also when it comes time for the teams to take the field, don’t just pack the stands to passively watch play after play. Take the cheerleaders’ lead by standing up and actually cheering for the team.

We get it, we’re not a big sports school. But the Monon game is one of the few times of the year where it feels like it could be. We actually show school spirit, go to a football game and all join together as a campus. We should encourage the university to keep that spirit alive by creating more events where we can join together behind our team and get pumped the week leading up to the Monon Bell game.

Little 5 is next semester. Now is the time to start thinking about how to make the WHOLE week hype.