WeCar offers students access to rental car


DePauw has partnered with a car-rental service to allow students to gain easy access to cars on campus.
WeCar, a by-the-hour rent-a-car service, was brought to DePauw this semester in order to provide students and staff members a new way to gain access to a car on campus.
WeCar is owned by Enterprise Rent-A-Car and is a sharing program based on renting environmentally-friendly cars to those who are eighteen years or older and maintain a valid driver's license. International driver's licenses are also accepted.
Rather than shouldering the expense of owning and taking care of a personal car, WeCar rents out vehicles at a standard rate that includes the cost of fuel for 200 miles per day, additional miles at $0.35 per mile, as well as damage and liability coverage. DePauw has begun a partnership with this company and is introducing the program this fall to make transportation for the community easier.
"The WeCar program was introduced to campus in response to numerous requests from students for transportation options," said Brad Kelsheimer, vice president for finance and administration. "We have explored a number of options, including ZipCar, but found the WeCar program to be the most practical."
Now students are able to rent out and reserve a high-mpg flex-fuel car hourly ($9.00 weekdays/$9.50 weekends), daily ($55.00), and overnight (6 p.m. to 8 a.m. for $45.00). In order to begin using WeCar, students and faculty must become a member at www.wecar.com/depauw. For students, a one-time application fee is free and an annual membership fee is only $35 a year, thus allowing rentals and reservations as many times as needed (with the payment of the rental fee).
The WeCar service is also available for those who drive their own cars, and Kelsheimer feels the service will allow students to leave their own cars at home.
"Its presence on campus should decrease the need for students to bring their own cars from home to DePauw," he said.
The DePauw WeCar can be found by the Women's Center at the corner of Central and Hanna streets. If demand increases, a second car likely will be brought to the university and be located in the parking lot at the Inn at DePauw.