We aim to be fair


The function of this student newspaper is to provide you--the DePauw community--with the news. Sometimes this means we have to be critical of this institution. Sometimes this means we will be supportive. You may love us, you may hate us. But this we can promise -- we will always do our best to be fair.
Many of our readers are our professors, our coaches and our friends. We hope to earn your respect over the course of the semester, but we also hope to hear from you. This paper is meant to be an forum by which students' voices can be heard. You can write for us, write to us, tweet at us, send us complaints and compliments.
We love DePauw. We carry the name of this institution in our own, and we take that seriously. While we want to support our school, it is also our duty as journalists to think critically. We must consider both sides of an argument even if this puts us in opposition to the administration, or to student government. We hope to minimize harm in the coming months, but to be honest and objective.
However, staff members are not the only ones who can use the newspaper as a way to reach students, administration and alumni. We want to hear from you. We hope that our readers will utilize The DePauw -- let us be a canvas for discussion. We will print your opinions in these pages.
With all of that being said, keep in mind we are a learning newspaper. While some of us have worked in the professional newspaper world, some of us have not. The same way that any student organization is flawed, we are too. The difference with a newspaper is that readers may get to see those flaws in print.
Mistakes will be made, but lessons will also be learned. So help us. Let us know what you think.
We are eager to report on you, DePauw, but we are also eager to hear from you. We take comments, complaints, questions and news tips at editor@thedepauw.com.