University kicks Coke for Pepsi, saves $1 million on new contract


DePauw University recently switched from Coca-Cola to Pepsi products after being offered a contract with Pepsi for a $1 million less than the one previously held with Coca-Cola.  

After the Coca-Cola contract ended last year, Pepsi approached the university with a less expensive deal.

The new contract will save roughly a million dollars for the university. It will also provide students with a greater variety of drink options. 

Aside from clear financial benefits, Brad Kelsheimer, vice president of administration and finance, also noted the change came in response to opinions voiced by students in previous years.  

"Without conducting any formal survey, many students were urging to get certain Pepsi products, particularly Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper," Kelsheimer said. 

Still, many students have expressed strong aversion to the beverage swap, while others seem unconcerned with the change, whether it is due to a dislike of soft drinks or their infrequent use of campus dining facilities.

"I don't drink either so it doesn't affect me," said sophomore Brendan Bolander

Others, as predicted by previous requests from students, are pleased that the school finally decided to make the change. 

"I was pretty surprised," said sophomore Kelly Killpack, "but I do like Diet Pepsi better than Diet Coke, so I can deal." 

The majority of negative reactions seem to come from the Diet Coke drinkers on campus.  

"Well, I'm disappointed because Coke is definitely the better product," said sophomore Kathryn Drew. "It's a major downgrade." 

When asked about some of the negative reactions due to the change, President Brian Casey shrugged it off, pointing out that the positives of the decision clearly outweigh the negatives.  

"We are switching from Coke to Pepsi on this campus. It seems like there are mixed reactions," he said. "The students are like, ‘What? But we want Diet Coke' … If you like Diet Coke you can have it for $1 million." 

Overall, students seem to accept the change.

Steve Santo, director of dining services, noted that the majority of students are visibly happy.

Sales of the Pepsi products also reflect students' overall satisfaction with the change as Gatorade, Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew are being consumed in large volumes.

—Marvin Wilson contributed to this article.