Union Board begins ticket sales for Chiddey Bang, AudioDax, Fedel


Tickets went on sale Monday night for the Union Board's fall concert featuring Chiddey Bang, AudioDax and Fedel. The concert will be held in Kresge Auditorium on Oct. 28. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m.

Co-president of the Union Board Peter Haigh said the artists were chosen in the limited time frame the organization was given. Early in the semester, the university approached the organization requesting that they put on a fall concert in addition to Union Board's annual spring concert.

"The fall concert, it really went on who we could get just because we had such a short time frame to plan," Haigh said

Haigh said criteria for artists included Union Board's available funding, options of artists and student responses from online surveys as to what sort of music they like.

According to Haigh, Union Board expects a strong turn out to the event and encourages students to buy tickets early.

"We're expecting a really good turn out, maybe even a sold out show so students should really get their tickets this week instead of waiting until after fall break," Haigh said

When asked how much Union Board spent bringing the three artists to campus Haight said he did not feel comfortable commenting. Union Board funding comes from the Allocations Board.

Tickets on Sale

Where: the Hub

When: every day this week and the week following fall break


11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. & 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.