To the Board of Trustees, thank you


In just the past week, DePauw has gained $31 million in donations from members of the board of trustees and alums for the programming that was promised after the campus improvements. We couldn't be more excited.
The recent donations seem to have taken students' voices and wants into consideration.
We asked for a new Lilly Center and construction crews will be breaking ground this February. We asked for an improved career center and more intensive career preparation and now we're getting that along with a new financial fellowship. This is in addition to renovations to our athletic fields and stadiums that will come into fruition by the end of the year and donated funds that will be put towards financial aid.
This says a lot about DePauw as an institution: it's not just current students who care, it's also students and family members from years past. When a student leaves DePauw, DePauw does not leave the student. Thanks to this consistent alumni dedication, the university will not only continue to exist, it will grow and progress. Change is good. We can't wait to come back for alumni weekend and be equally astonished and proud of the development of our university.
From gifts to improved properties, revamped athletic facilities, improved career preparation services, to financial aid money, these projects won't just be surface enhancements or added comforts. These changes will enhance the DePauw experience - not only aesthetically, but also scholastically and athletically.
While previous projects may have contributed to beautifying campus (it is no doubt a more pleasant walk from Bloomington Street Hall to East College now than it was last year), we are now happy to hear that the changes will impact what we're really here for - our education.
The university's future depends on the students. While faculty, staff and alumni contributions are undoubtedly important, we students should remain in the equation. We appreciate knowing that our voices are heard. To the staff, faculty, alumni, trustees and President Casey, thank you for all of your hard work.