TLC Relocated


As of the beginning of the Spring 2023 semester, the Learning Commons (TLC) has been relocated to the Roy O. West Library. During Roy’s renovation, the Learning Commons, previously known as the Academic Resource Center (ARC), was located on the first floor of Asbury Hall. However, now that the finishing touches have been put on Roy, the Learning Commons has moved to ROW Suite 101, which is located immediately to the right upon entering the east entrance doors. Speaking and Listening appointments are now held in ROW 102. 

“I am very happy with the location change, I think students will feel more inclined to come to stop by TLC while they are working on an assignment or studying for an exam in Roy than they would have in Asbury,” Q Center tutor Maggie Sullivan said. “I am also a senior who loved the library as a freshman, so, selfishly, I am just happy to spend time there again.”

 Sullivan hopes that the popularity of Roy runs over into increased use of the Learning Commons. 

“I think that my peers are more likely to come to TLC out of convenience because they are enjoying the library and already studying there frequently,” Sullivan said.

S Center tutor Kelly Truax feels the new space’s functionality is beneficial to the center. 

“Our new center has better-adapted furniture and resources for us to use, which allows the tutors to be more effective,” Truax said. “All of the chairs and tables can be moved around as needed, we have lots of whiteboards, and we have an extra space if you want a quieter work environment.” 

The new location also gives the Learning Commons access to Roy’s resources. “This could be great if someone needed another source for a project,” Truax said. 

Despite the functionality and added resources of the new location, Truax finds that it lacks the inviting and comfortable atmosphere of the old ARC.

“I loved the care that went into the last center. There were lots of plants around, fun wall decor, seasonal decorations for each holiday, and there was even a little mental health table that had quotes of encouragement, stress toys, teas, and snacks,” Truax said. “I hope as this center gets older they bring those things back so students feel more invited in.”

This relocation also came with a name change, which, according to the Director of the Q Center Ashley Puzzo, was largely a rebranding effort to emphasize the new location and aspects of the center. “I think the ARC sounds like a place to go for tutoring, while The Learning Commons is more welcoming as a place to work with peers and to come by whenever necessary,” Sullivan said. 

The Learning Commons includes three centers: the Writing Center (W), the Quantitative Reasoning Center (Q), and the Speaking and Listening Center (S). Students who want to receive peer guidance in these areas can request a session with W, Q, or S tutors. Currently, the Learning Commons is offering both in-person and online appointments. 

To make an appointment with a peer tutor, students can either scan the QR code found on posters outside of the Learning Commons or visit the Learning Commons section of the DePauw website.