Time to grow up


I'm a proud DePauw graduate from the class of 2010, but today I have to feel a bit ashamed of the place I spent four great years of my life. You see, when I was on campus we always faced some sort of degrading, homophobic or sexist Monon T-shirt (that's the cool thing to do, right?). After learning that this year's shirt features the slogan "You've had our dick…Now here's our Seaman" I can't help but wonder when the select few of you who think homophobia is amusing will grow up.

In an October 26, 2011, email to a multitude of students an individual organizing the T-shirt selling explains, "Here are Monon shirts that the football team made. They are a little inappropriate (OK a lot inappropriate haha) but can you send this to everyone so they can order if they want?" That's a bit of an understatement. They are in fact a lot inappropriate — they degrade the LGBT community by their very suggestive nature. Homophobia on DePauw's campus, just as anywhere else, cannot be tolerated under any circumstance. I find it highly irresponsible, and frankly childish, that these shirts were even created, particularly after repeated incidents in years past. One day you are going to have to grow up.

Brandon Monson ‘10,

Director of Development and Communications at Equality Ohio