Tiger of the Week: Paul Christian


Sophomore distance runner Paul Christian helped lead the DePauw track and field team to a second place finish in this weekend’s Tiger Small College Indoor Invitational, after winning the 3,000 meters with a time of 8:53.68. This was the team’s first meet of the indoor track season, and Christian looks to continue his momentum into the rest of this season, as well as the outdoor track season.

The DePauw: What are your personal goals for this track and field season and what are your goals for the team as a whole?

Paul Christian: Our team goal is to try to win conference.  Across the board we're already looking pretty good.  Our throwers, jumpers, sprinters, and distance runners are all scoring points.  Personally, my goal is to aid that as best I can by placing well in my own events.

TDP: You ran 13 seconds faster in your 3 mile this weekend than you did in the same meet last year. What did you do differently in your race to help you perform better?

PC: I'm very happy to start out the season with a sub-9:00 3K.  My legs feel a lot better than last year and I think all the extra things like cross training are beginning to pay off.  

TDP: How did you originally get involved as a cross-country and track and field runner?

PC: I don't really know - I've been running my whole live either as a means of entertainment or transportation so it seemed natural when I joined my school team in fourth grade.  Since then I've always been pretty decent, but didn't really get good until last year.  I think my improvement is largely due to the fantastic team and coaches at DePauw. 

TDP: What do you like about track season as opposed to cross-country season?

PC: The only thing I like better about track than cross-country is the last 200 meters.  Kicking past people to the finish line is a fantastic feeling. 
Christian and the rest of the DePauw Track and Field team will be competing in the DePauw Invitational this Saturday at home.

Paul Christian finishes a race at Hillsdale College last spring