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Tiger of the Week

On Nov. 2, against Denison University, junior forward Andy Morrison saved the DePauw Tigers season when he scored two goals in the last 15 minutes of a 2-2 draw. In Wednesday night's overtime loss against the No. 1 ranked Ohio Wesleyan University, Morrison scored again in regular time. On Thursday night, Morrison and junior goalkeeper Jake Pezzuto were both selected to the Capital One All-District Division III men's soccer team. For his performances, Morrison was named The DePauw's Tiger of the week.

TDP Sports: What are you proudest of this season? 

AM: Last night [the game against OWU]. Without George [Elliott] and Brandon [Johnson], we were short-handed and still came from behind against the number one team in the nation. 

TDP Sports: As a captain, you've been a part of next year's recruiting process. What would you say to prospective Tiger soccer athletes?

AM: I'd say they would be a part of the closest team I have ever been a part of. They will also be able to compete for a national championship year in and year out. 

TDP Sports: You've been a part of the program for three years. What's the biggest difference? 

AM: I think the main thing is we've added depth. We were successful my [first-year] and sophomore year, but now we have play-makers at every position. 

TDP Sports: There's an interesting dynamic with the team this year. There are firs-years getting playing time, while experiencing their first time in college. There are seniors preparing to enter "the real world". Whats the lesson the entire team can take away from this season?

AM: Really, no one ever had doubt stepping onto the field. We all trusted each other. Those qualities will stick with us for a long time. 

TDP Sports: Monday afternoon's NCAA selection picks determines if your season continues or not. What can you say to the players and fans that are on edge? 

AM: I think we just have to stay engages. We don't need anyone stressing, just carry out with the day to day activities. 

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