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Tiger of the Week


Last weekend, senior Jillian Balser broke her pole vault record, jumping 10 feet and 6 inches. We caught up with her before this weekend's home meet. Here's what the new tiger of the week had to say:

TDP Sports (TDP): What is your biggest lesson learned in your time with the Tigers?
Jillian Balser (JB): One of the biggest lessons I've learned during my time with DePauw's track team is to dig deep and trust in my training. My teammates and coaches have been so influential and have really shown me the importance of being confident in my abilities as an athlete and pushing myself by setting big goals. The team inspires me to be better, both on the track and off of it, and I feel really blessed to be a part of something so special. I was a competitive gymnast until age 17, and I think that experience conditioned me to view athletics as more of a chore than a passion. My time as a Tiger has brought the passion back into athletics for me, and I owe that to my teammates and coaches. I'm really thankful for each and every one of them!

TDP: From the roster, it seems like you took your sophomore year away from track. What did that year off do for you?
JB: I took time off due to a back injury. Unfortunately, it turns out that my injury will likely not heal until I stop vaulting completely, so I currently do a lot of physical therapy and strength work now to keep the pain at a tolerable level. I guess the phrase "no pain no game" really applies in my case. I think that my time off really reminded me of how much I love track and appreciate being a part of this team. It was really hard to be away for that long, but it fueled me and made me excited for the seasons to come. 

TDP: Last year, you broke then senior Taryn Owen's pole vault record that was set only a week before. Can you credit Owens for your development? What was your relationship like?
JB: Taryn and I are good friends and worked really well together throughout the years. She encouraged me to do my best and always stay positive and was a very supportive teammate! We always had fun together at meets, and I will miss having her at by my side as I compete this season. 

TDP: Many times, athletes are on the decline their senior year. You, however, seem to only get better. Whats your trick?
JB: That's really nice of you to say, thank you! I think that I have gained maturity as an athlete over the years, and I am both physically and mentally stronger than I was as a younger vaulter. Pole vaulting, as with all other events, can be such a mental game, so half the battle for me has been learning to be more calm and confident in the midst of stressful situations and competitions. This is my last season as a Tiger, and I am determined to give it my all and push past my perceived limits. My team inspires me, and they motivate me to be the best version of myself.