The Thumb


Thumbs up: Winter Term international service extends into second semester

The student-led Winter Term service trip is an exciting and commendable example of DePauw students higher caliber outside of the classroom.

It is not only spectacular that a group of students took three weeks of their lives to serve others much less fortunate, but that they are now working to continue forging those international connections. Even in the tumultuous first weeks of second semester, the student are working to raise back $700 they spent out of pocket to provide extra medicine to those they were caring for.

Events including Papusa night tonight and tabling events that are ongoing promote awareness of a significant lack of medical care in El Salvador. Such events bring students together around a common goal and allow students who went on trips the opportunity to reach out and share those experiences with others.

DePauw may joke about the bubble surrounding campus, but its surely popped with efforts like this. We encourage all students to support pupusa night, 10 p.m. - midnight on the corner of Locust and Anderson street, at one dollar per snack.

And, don't forget the students involved in the continuing efforts to raise money for their service trip in conversations about DePauw's reputation as a party school. The two different sides of a DePauw student — work hard then play hard — are not mutually exclusive.

Thumbs up: Black History Month speaker delivers new perspectives

We are glad that Hasan Jeffries, Ohio State University history professor, was welcomed to campus this week. His lecture about his doctoral dissertation on the intersection of the 1966 elections and start of the Black Power movement in Lowndes County, Alabama is completely relevant to February — Black History Month. Just as it is important to stay attune to current events and what is happening beyond the DePauw bubble, it is imperative to reflect how our nation got to where it is today.

In order to be leaders of the future, we must understand our past. We are impressed with the selection of such a high-caliber speaker and encourage our administration to continue to support bringing speakers with fresh perspectives and new ideas to our campus. Those who heard Jeffries speak surely continued to develop their liberal arts education.