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The Fluttering Duck hosts Relay for Life Event

The Fluttering Duck hosted a fundraiser Tuesday and Wednesday to benefit Relay for Life of Putnam County/DePauw.
The fundraiser is part of several individual events to support the cause.
Several students, staff and Putnam County residents have attended this event for the past few years and continue to support it.
"I think it brings in a lot more people that you don't normally see," said sophomore Kara Jackson. "I think as an event on campus, it has a lot of students that are involved and willing to support it."
Ten percent of the proceeds from both nights went directly to Relay for Life of Putnam County/DePauw.
Relay for Life holds several other fundraisers in the area throughout the year, such as Paint the Town Purple, The Survivor Dinner and Relay for Life itself.
The main event of Relay for Life, which will be on April 26, is held at DePauw's Indoor Tennis and Track Center. It consists of an Opening Ceremony, Survivors Lap and celebration, Caregivers Lap, Luminaria ceremony, Fight Back Ceremony and Closing Ceremony.
"My hope is that the DePauw community would care about the cause of Relay for Life and commit to supporting it whether it is donating what they can financially or with their time," said junior Celia Klug. Klug is Campus Sponsorship Subcommittee Chair for Relay for Life.
Relay for Life, which was started by The American Cancer Society, has a mission to "offer an inspiring opportunity to honor cancer survivors, promote how individuals can reduce their cancer risk, and raise money to help end cancer," according to its website.
Although the committee is waiting to hear back the amount of money they raised at last week's event, the Duck was filled to capacity, making for a promising outcome.
"The past two years, I have worked at the Duck for the Relay for Life event and it's always one of our busiest nights at the restaurant," Jackson said.
A difference from last year's event at the Duck is that this year the event was over two nights, instead of just one.
"Two nights and extended time for the event allowed more people to support Relay for Life because they were able to fit it in their schedules and not worry about it being too crowded," Klug said.
Although the event this year turned out better than last year, there's always room for improvement in fundraising.
"I wish we had more non-Greek students involved," said Event Co-Chair Caroline Hall.
Relay for Life may seem like a DePauw-specific event, but many community members are heavily involved in the event such as Dick Shuck, the community co-chair, who has been involved with the fundraiser for the past 16 years.
"[Relay for Life] is something everyone should be involved in because I feel like cancer affects everyone in some way or another," Hall said.
There will be a similar event in March at the Duck.

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