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TDP Post-It: Wednesday, Sept. 30 (Updated)

1. Student Contact Tracing Concerns

DePauw’s health and safety pod are looking for ten volunteers from the DePauw faculty to assist in student contact tracing. Preferably, they need students whose workload has lightened as a result of COVID-19. Per an email sent from Adam Cohen, the job “include[s] reaching out to all students in quarantine on each day (including Saturday and Sunday) and being available for initial contact tracing calls if a positive result posts during the weekend.”  If you wish to volunteer, or have questions about student contract tracing please contact Stevie Baker-Watson at For more information about the responsibilities of a contact tracer, click here.

2. President White urges students to register to vote

In a mass email sent prior to the first presidential debate, President Lori White urged all DePauw students to register to vote. She provided a brief history of voting in America, elaborated as to why voting is important to her, and provided links to voting registration information. White ended the email by saying, “As you can see from this message, I am a passionate advocate for everyone to learn more about the importance of elections and voting in our democracy and, for those who are eligible to vote, to exercise that privilege, thereby honoring those who sacrificed and fought for us to have it.” To sign up for an absentee ballot via DePauw, click here. To find more information on early voting, click here

3. Interfaith Opportunities

Victoria Zetterberg ‘21, the President of the Interfaith Council is now accepting applications for interns to join the council and program. Per the intern application, “The Interfaith Council works to promote interfaith dialogue, develop tools to communicate cross-cultural differences and raise religious awareness by fostering an inclusive and safe DePauw community. We often host or co-sponsor religious holidays and interfaith discussions.” For more information, email

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