TDP Post-It: Tuesday, Sept. 7


1. Tranquil Tuesday

Stop by the Union Building basement between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to pick up arts and crafts supplies! RSVP by visiting campus labs. For additional information about this event, contact

2. Internship Drop-In Advising

If you’re interested in a winter or spring term internship, head over to the Hubbard Center at 4:00 p.m. for advising sessions. These sessions are a great way to explore internship opportunities and ask questions if you’re unsure of what you may want to do. 

3. Rosh Hashanah

DePauw Hillel continues their celebration of Rosh Hashanah today. There will be a Tashlich Service held at the visitors center at the nature park at 4:00 p.m. Call 484-995-9676 if you’re having trouble locating the visitors center or visit campus labs for more information.