1. Paper Lantern Flying
Head over to Bowman Park at 7 p.m. for a Social Wellness Event! Attendees will be invited to write messages on paper lanterns and release them! Contact Zaheen Rashed zaheenrashed_2024@depauw.edu or follow this link for more information.
2. How to Make the Most of Your Sophomore Year
Sophomores are invited to visit the Union Building Ballroom at 7 p.m. for the second installment of the Hubbard Center’s Sophomore Series. Attendees will learn how to use Handshake, discuss finding internships and choosing a major, as well as hear about off-campus study and winter term opportunities.
3. Actuarial Science Internship Experience Sharing Workshop
Two students, Crystal Jin and Yousaf Khan will discuss their experiences interning at New York Life & SCOR with Property and Casualty, and Korn Ferry Hay Group. This event will be held in the Julian Auditorium at 4 p.m.For additional information and to RSVP to this event follow this link.