1. Crime and Fire Log update
Since September 15, eighteen reports have been filed in the Crime and Fire Log. Of these reports, three involved Greek housing. There are three “Violation of University Directives” cited as well. Additionally, three off-campus incidents occurred between Sept. 20-21, involving a “suspicious person.” It is unclear whether these three incidents are related. Four reports were forwarded to the Community Standards Committee.
2. Welch Fitness Center update
The Welch Fitness Center is now open, allowing a maximum occupancy of 25 people. However, the second floor cardio machines remain closed. Students have to sign up for one of the delegated hour-long time slots on a first-come first-serve basis. Student ID and mask are required. For more information on the new rules, click here. To ensure the safety of each student, mandatory cleanings will happen between each relegated time-slot. TFor more information, click here.
3. Sports are coming back
DePauw athletics have been cleared to practice this fall. Student-athletes are still cleared to practice their sport on their own time, but without their antibody results, they cannot receive coaching from any DePauw coach. Kara Campbell, assistant athletics director for sports medicine, said once an athlete has a negative test result (assuming all other med requirements have been met), they are cleared to practice.