1. Internship Drop-In Advising
At 4:00 p.m. today, visit the Hubbard Center Lobby to learn more about winter term and summer internships. More information can be found on campus labs.
2. Breast Cancer Awareness Walk
Sigma Lambda Gamma is holding their annual breast cancer awareness walk today at 5:00 p.m. across campus in honor of the individuals who have lost their lives, or are currently suffering from breast cancer and their families. Email Americabanuelos_2024@depauw.edu or visit campus labs for more information.
3. Art + Art History Faculty Feature
Join Art Lecturer Lyle Dechant and Associate Professor John Berry in the Peeler Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. as they talk about their research, art, what they teach, and why they love doing it. This is a punch card event. Visit campus labs for more information on the event.