TDP Post-It: Tuesday, Nov. 3

  1. Election Day 

In an email on Tuesday, Nov. 3 President White reminded the DePauw community about the importance of voting and to respect all viewpoints. Reports and concerns can be made to the bias reporting site or 911 may be used in an emergency situation. 

Our mission is to prepare leaders for a world that craves great ones, which means we will continue to have difficult discussions and to not only accept but embrace differences. That must be the DePauw way, and we will not veer from it,” President White said. 

2. Spring Semester Q/A Led By Alan Hill

On Monday, Nov. 2,  Alan Hill, vice president of student academic affairs, and several administrative members met with remote and on-campus students in two separate meetings to answer questions about the spring semester. 

1,150 total students will be allowed to live in university-owned housing for the spring semester. However, nobody knows what spring will bring in regards to COVID-19, according to Sarah Steinkamp, Chief of Staff for President White.

Students will also have the option to request to be a commuter or remote. However, these situations will be evaluated on a case by case basis instead of the university relaxing their residential policy as they did during the fall term. “Students who don’t feel comfortable, don’t feel safe, are able to ask to be remote and will be granted it,” Steinkamp said. 

Full story here.

3. Compton Lecture Series 

The Compton Lecture Series continues on Wednesday, Nov. 4, from 7:00 p.m. E.D.T. until 8:30 p.m. E.D.T. This is the final lecture of the three-part series and will focus on the internationalist character of the Black Liberation struggle in the U.S. 

A link to the event is on CampusLabs.