TDP Post-It: Tuesday, Feb. 23


1. DePauw Dialogue is Tomorrow

Wednesday, Feb. 24 is the virtual kickoff for the eighth DePauw Dialogue, emphasizing the theme, “Breaking Down Biases and Building Community.” According to President White, the goals of DePauw Dialogue include having “a campus culture in which every student, regardless of identity, background or financial circumstances, thrives and has full opportunity to participate in all aspects of a DePauw education,” and “a resolute commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.”

Read more about Dr. White’s message to the community here.

The day will begin tomorrow at 10 a.m. with a Welcome and Kick-Off with Dr. White. The full schedule can be found here. Unique links for each of the sessions will be emailed on Wednesday morning.

Checking into these events will also count toward Gold Commitment requirements. An attendance tracking link will be sent out via the Zoom chat once during the Welcome and Kickoff panel session and again during the Deepening Knowledge session. Students will need to log into the form using their DePauw email address and submit the form only one time to have their attendance recorded.

Beer Garden Updates

The 8-10 p.m. time slots of the Beer Garden will only be available to students aged 21 and above. The 6-8 p.m. time slot will still be available to all students.

Due to this recent policy change, details on EventBrite have been changed as well. The older Beer Garden event has been cancelled. Students who have ordered tickets to this event will receive an email stating that the ticket is no longer valid. The current event is named “DePauw Beer Garden” and students will have to order new tickets to this event.

Questions can be directed to

Tickets can be found at this link and went on sale at 5 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 22.

Hubbard Center Hosting Virtual Career Lab

The Hubbard Center will be hosting two virtual career labs on Tuesday, Feb. 23. This time will be dedicated to answer any and all career development related questions. This is also an opportunity for students to have their resume reviewed for the Gold Commitment.

The two scheduled times are 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (link can be found here) and 8 - 9 p.m. (link can be found here).

Students may arrive at any time during the hour to ask questions or work on applications with the help of Peer Consultants and staff members.

“Paws for Service” No-Sew Hats

The Hartman Center is providing a grab-and-go service project: no-sew fleece hats to donate to the nonprofit organization, Beyond Homeless Inc. Pick up service kits from the Hartman Center (UB 200) on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 12-2 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Sign up for the volunteer project here.