TDP Post-It Tue. Sep 8


1. AAAS Fundraiser for Greencastle NAACP

The Association of African American Students (AAAS) is starting a fundraiser for the Greencastle NAACP chapter. They will be broadcasting the virtual 111th NAACP Convention. Attendees are not required to donate, but are highly encouraged to do so. The convention will take place from September 13-26 to “establish policies and programs of action for the ensuing year. Join us as we have imperative conversations discussions around COVID-19, voting and economic stability for Blacks,” per the NAACP website. 

For more information about the convention, click here. For more information about the Greencastle Chapter of the NAACP, click here. To donate to the fundraiser, click here.


2. Campus Farm looking for volunteers

The Ullem Campus Farm is offering volunteer opportunities for those who are interested in learning more about agriculture and harvesting. Seth Brawner ‘22 alumni is heading the operation, where he will teach sustainable farming practices, which include chemical-free farming and reduced tilling. Ninety percent of the harvested food goes directly to DePauw’s dining services. Open volunteer hours are 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm Monday through Friday. For more information, click here. To learn more about volunteering, contact Seth at


3. Resident Assistant and Mentor Life

Resident Assistants and Mentors were assigned the task of welcoming DePauw’s first years through unconventional methods. Using Zoom, multiplayer internet games, and other creative ice-breakers, RAs and mentors are learning quickly how to establish connections with their mentees. One of the challenges many mentors faced was providing off-campus first year students the same experience as on-campus students had. On campus mentor Sam Prendergast ‘23 said the experience has been chaotic but everybody, from the administration to each individual mentor, have truly embraced the unforeseen challenges of being a mentor during this time. For the mentors, the effort to give first-years a complete DePauw experience has been difficult but rewarding because of the relationships they’re developing. 


4. What is Covid Culture like on DePauw’s campus?

All DePauw students, faculty, and staff are required to wear masks inside all DePauw buildings. Masks are also required when proper socially distanced is not possible, even when outside. Visitors that do not live on campus are not permitted in student resident living units. Mass gatherings cannot exceed ten people. Students are still able to use academic buildings and outdoor spaces on campus to interact with each other. The DePauw Nature Park, along with the other outdoor spaces, are also available for students to use. To learn more about how COVID-19 has affected campus culture, click here.