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TDP Post-It: Thursday, Oct. 8

1. Spring semester to begin with four weeks remote

DePauw plans for all classes to be held remotely the first four weeks of spring semester from Feb. 2-26, according to LaTonya Branham, university registrar.

Read the full story here

2. No Curry Fridays for now

There is no set date for when the Center for Spiritual Life’s well-loved Curry Fridays will return. 

Chaplain Sami Aziz said, “I think it comes down to the pandemic numbers. If they increase, the likelihood goes down. If they decrease, the likelihood goes up. We're going to monitor, and pray it happens sooner rather than later.

“One student misses [Curry Friday] so much she's going to make it herself. I offered to help her through sharing tips and recipes. I'm always available to do so.”. 

In the meantime, the Center for Spiritual Life is open Monday to Friday  9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for prayer, reflection, home work, or rest. Ten people can be inside at one time and an additional 20 people can be outside. 

The Center for Spiritual Life also has a food pantry for students on the second floor kitchenette. 

Aziz said, “Students can take whatever they need including soups, peanut butter, granola bars, femnine products and more.” He added that the pantry is always accepting donations.

3. University to host information session about Title IX changes for remote students

Many remote students should have received an email from Julia Proctor, assistant dean of campus life, inviting them to join Title IX Coordinator Juli Smith and Assistant Dean of Students and Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Sarah Ryan for an informations session on DePauw's sexual assault and interpersonal violence policies

The Zoom call will be held on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Links were included in the original email. If anyone has questions, please contact Juli Smith at

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