TDP Post-It Mon. Aug. 31


1.Number of Covid-19 cases on DePauw’s campus

Students were required to take an at-home Covid-19 test before arriving on campus, as well as another test 48 hours after arriving. DePauw has tested a total of 738 people since August 26. As of noon on August 31, DePauw has six positive cases on campus. The Covid-19 task force didn’t disclose how many students are in isolation or quarantine housing. 

2. Inconclusive test results

53 students received an email on August 29th stating that their Covid-19 test results came back as inconclusive. According to Stevie Baker-Watson, Vice President for Campus Wellness, it was a lab error. In these instances, one of three things could have caused the error: 

  • The tube was dry when it arrived at the lab
  • The tubes arrived without enough samples to test
  •  The barcodes were applied incorrectly and fell off in transit from DePauw to the lab.

The students whose tests came back as inconclusive and any students who hadn’t completed their second Covid-19 test by the start of class were told to practice quarantine-like behaviors and not attend their in-person classes until they receive results on Wednesday, Sept. 2. 

3. Weekend review, violations of University Directives

The Crime and Fire Log lists 9 violations of the university directives between August 17-29.  DePauw Police have not provided any further details on what constitutes a violation of University directives. 

Violations were reported in the nature park, 105 W. Hanna St, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Upsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, 500 Block Indiana St, Rector Village Lawn, Sigma Chi, Mason Hall, and off-campus. 

4. Non-emergency COVID-19 questions and concerns form

An anonymous non-emergency COVID-19 questions and concerns form was shared with students in an email from Julia Proctor, Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force, this evening. This form allows students to anonymously report concerning behavior, locations that require additional hand hygiene stations, or any other Covid-19 related concerns. 

5. Pass/Fail options fall 2020

The faculty voted to allow students to take up to two classes as Pass/D/Fail for the fall 2020 semester.  Any classes that students elect to take as Pass/D/Fail will not be counted towards the student’s overall GPA, and these extra two Pass/D/Fail credits will not count towards the total number of Pass/D/Fail classes that a student is allowed to take during their time at DePauw. 

The deadline to elect to take a class Pass/D/Fail is November 6 at 4:30 pm.