1. CaterTrax - New Service for Ordering Food on Campus
Catering manager Megan Inman has developed a service for students in isolation housing called CaterTrax. This program is on a needed-basis and is only available to those who are placed in isolation housing. These students will be able to place their orders online and then it will be delivered to them.
Students who are not in isolation can order their meals on Tiger Market for pick up. The same online ordering system is used for Tiger Market, CaterTrax, and the C-store. Students can visit the tiger market online to select the items they want. The online options are the same as in-person options, except that they will be ready for pick-up at the designated time. Due to the limited occupancy in the C-store, Inman says that this is a great alternative to waiting in line.
2. Title IX Updates
DePauw University updated its Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy and Process due to new federal government regulations. The updated policy is in the student handbook on page 45. Alan Hill said the policy seeks to protect those who experience sexual harassment while also balancing the rights of those who are accused of sexual misconduct, assault, dating violence, domestic violence, retaliation, and/or sex/gender discrimination. The university will still be holding individuals accountable to their own code of conduct regardless of if it’s outside of the title IX policy or not. To find out more information go to the DePauw Sexual Respect website.
3. Study Spaces on Campus
Due to renovations, Roy O. West is closed for the fall term. However, for students on campus, there are still lots of places available to study. Students can study in any building that is open as long as they wear their masks and keep a 6ft social distance from other students. Students can study in the GCPA, the UB, Peeler, Julian, and the PCCM until they close at 11 pm. Students can check out the DePauw University Library page for a list of specific spaces that are currently available, and this list is updated throughout the night. Students may also contact their professors to see if their major has a specific space designated for their usage. It is highly encouraged that students find outdoor study spaces, study in their rooms, and meet virtually for group projects.
4. On-Campus, Remote, Commuter Status Change
In an email from Alan Hill on Sept. 7, the deadline for changing your student status between on-campus, commuter, and remote is now Sept. 11. Hill said that things such as financial aid, testing requirements, course selections, and housing and dining have impacted student’s decisions regarding their status at DePauw and so, they have created this deadline to allow more flexibility. In order to make this change contact covid19@depauw.edu as soon as possible and they will direct you further.
5. Week in Review: How did Online Classes go?
After one week of classes, we wanted to check in with students through an Instagram survey to see how they were adjusting to the new semester. Students are taking classes fully online, in person, and some a mixture of both. Among the responses, some students expressed that classes have been challenging. First-year Madayln Sailors said, “it was very challenging. A lot tougher than I expected” and Sophomore Daniel Saltz said, “some classes work better on zoom than others.”
Despite the challenge, other students have found that now, professors have a curriculum that supports the online format. Senior Nana Norimoto said, “I’m feeling zoom fatigue but, I’m satisfied with classes in general, even though they are virtual”.
Follow @thedepauw on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with The DePauw and participate in upcoming surveys.
6. COVID-19 Update
As of noon on Sept. 7, there are three new positive cases. Two from Sept. 1 and one from Sept. 2. DePauw University has had nine active cases since they began testing on Aug. 24. The website doesn't say how many have recovered from COVID-19. This information may be found on the University website under coronavirus.