TDP Post-It: Monday, Sept. 14

  1. Athletic Practices This Fall

Athletic practices are set to begin on Sept. 20 following the completion of medical and compliance clearance this week. In an email from Stevie Baker-Watson, she said that all athletes are also required to take an antibody test. It’s important to do this because it shows the athletic and medical staff which student-athletes have been exposed to but, not officially diagnosed with COVID-19. Student-athletes who have tested positive for or who have been exposed to COVID-19 will also receive a cardiac screening for Myocarditis, a condition that places students at a higher risk of cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. 

2. DSG: Campus Voting Campaign

This week DePauw Student Government is doing a voting campaign to educate students on how to get registered and why it’s important to vote. The executive team will be sharing their thoughts on voting on their Instagram account over the course of the week. The deadline to register to vote in Indiana online or in-person is Oct. 5. For more information on how to register you can go to  

The Instagram account for DSG is: @depauw_studentgov 

3. Construction on Roy and Residential Hall 2 Stalled 

Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19, the Board of Trustees voted in May to pause construction on Roy O’ West Library and Residential Hall 2. The topic will be revisited by the Board of Trustees this fall.