1. Campus Weekend Activities
The Beer Garden will be open again this weekend and there are no longer reservations. Attendance will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The two movie showings on Friday and Saturday are Judas and the Black Messiah at 7 p.m. and Raya and The Last Dragon at 7:30 p.m. Remember to wear masks, sit socially distanced, and do not bring food.drinks.
The Nacho Mama’s food truck scheduled for tonight has been cancelled and a replacement has yet to be found.
2. Student Leaders Propose Revision to COVID-19 No-Visitor Policy
DePauw’s COVID-19 Student Working Group has drafted an inter-residence policy proposal, which has been forwarded to the COVID-19 Operations Task Force for review. If the task force endorses the plan, it will be sent to President Dr. White for approval, according to Julia Proctor, assistant dean of campus life and member of the COVID-19 task force.
The drafted policy will replace the highly scrutinized no-visitor policy for University- and Greek-owned property implemented this past Fall semester.
“Student feedback is very important,” Proctor said. “Just as it is important that we also make decisions that are grounded in science and follow recommendations of health organizations like the CDC and the Indiana State DePartment of Health.”
Read the full story by Olivia Jennings here.
3. Happiness Sprinkling
Join Mental Health Peer Education tomorrow (March 20) at 11:30 a.m. The first 30 minutes of the event will be dedicated to creating posters that display a variety of positive messages. Upon completion, participants will walk around campus displaying the positivity posters in hopes of spreading happiness and positivity to others.
4. COVID-19 Update
There are currently two positive student cases this week, with two percent of the on-campus students in quarantine. 93% of the university’s isolation beds remain unoccupied.