Tag: TDPMultimedia
VIDEO: Coffee taste test compares Starbucks to campus coffee
Taste test compares Starbucks to campus coffee from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo.
VIDEO: Cheesin'
Cheesin from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo. The Cheesin' team makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at campus events. COURTESY OF...
E-edition of the eighth issue of the 163rd volume of The...
The front page of the eighth issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw, Indiana's oldest college newspaper. ...
E-edition of the seventh issue of the 163rd volume of The...
The front of the seventh issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw, Indiana's oldest college newspaper. ...
E-edition of the fourth issue of the 163rd volume of The...
The front page of the fourth issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw.