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Tag: Ferguson

DePauw community stands in solidarity with ongoing struggles in Ferguson, Missouri

LEANN BURKE / THE DEPAUW Greencastle, Indiana and Ferguson, Missouri may be 215 miles apart from each other, but members of...

EDITORIAL: Cycle of violence needs to be broken before change can...

LEANN BURKE / THE DEPAUW The grand jury decided no criminal charges would be brought against Darren Wilson, a white police...

OPINION: We should all learn from Ferguson

-Whiting is a junior Prindle Intern from Indianapolis -This article is also featured in The Prindle Post PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW.EDU ...

VIDEO: DePauw University participates in nationwide

DePauw University Participates in Nationwide "Hands Up" Protest from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo. A diverse group gathered in...

Inclement weather doesn't stop Peace Camp from educating students

Students gather during lunch to hear  Professor Brett O'Bannon speak during Peace Camp. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW Nestled...

Ferguson panel promotes discussion on racial awareness

In an attempt to promote campus discussion about race and social justice, Keith Nightenhesler, coordinator of convocations, organized a Ferguson panel discussion held on...

Editorial: Is there an answer in Ferguson?

  Earlier this summer, two friends from Ferguson, Missouri, a northern munincipality in St. Louis, were walking home in the middle of the...

OPINION: Turmoil in Ferguson—the excessive use of force by police

A few weeks ago, a teenage boy named Michael Brown was shot and killed after an altercation with a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. ...