Studying abroad is good for you, the world


There are students who come to DePauw with studying abroad at the end of their priority list. But there are others who chose DePauw because of the study abroad opportunities available.

I was one of those students who came to DePauw because I knew I wanted to study abroad. I was so sure I actually applied for my passport the summer before I started my freshman year so I could be ready to study abroad when the first chance presented itself.

I first studied abroad during Winter Term '10 through an off-campus faculty led course to Spain and Portugal. It was an amazing experience, but I knew there was more out there to see. Once I got back to DePauw, I started my off-campus study application for fall 2010. I was accepted to the Institute for Study Abroad-Butler University (IFSA-Butler) to study in Santiago, Chile the first semester of my junior year. My experience in Chile was nothing like my Winter Term experience — I was in Chile for about 5 months, lived with a host family and was completely immersed in the culture.

My study abroad experience in Chile changed my life. I came back to DePauw the next semester more open-minded, speaking Spanish almost fluently and filled with a desire to go back to Chile as soon as possible. I actually ended up going back this past Winter Term to do an internship with the IFSA-Butler Santiago office. I realized I have a passion for travelling and learning about other cultures. There is a whole world to explore.

I have less than four months before I graduate and start a new chapter of my life. Two weeks following graduation, I will be moving to Ethiopia to begin service with the U.S. Peace Corps. I am excited and nervous at the same time — never before in my life would I have thought I would be moving to a place like Ethiopia but I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. There will be new challenges, a new culture and a completely new life that I will need to assimilate into. However, I know that is what I'm passionate about.

Studying abroad is not for everyone, but I think there are some barriers that deter people from exploring it. First, students participating in DePauw-approved programs can earn credit towards any major as well as Winter Term credit for that year. DePauw financial support is available and can help pay for programs and outside scholarships are available as well.

You may miss the Monon Bell Game or Little 5 weekend, but the experiences you will have and friendships you make abroad will last a lifetime. All it takes is the self-confidence to step out of your comfort zone.

My thoughts are portrayed perfectly in a recent article that was published in USA Today by Rick Steves entitled "Study abroad is necessity, not luxury." If you haven't read it yet, Google it. Studying abroad is an opportunity to learn about life around the world and become a sort of global citizen. Information spreads faster than ever with modern technology and in our increasingly interconnected world, I too believe that study abroad is a necessity. It is not only an opportunity to learn and travel but also to understand different cultures and ways of life around the world and to truly grow as a person and to make your mark on the world. As Rick Steves tells us in his article, we should all see the world as a classroom. He said it is good for America. But I say it is good for the world.

­— Navarrete is a senior from Slater, Mo., majoring in Spanish and minoring in Latin American and Caribbean studies.