Student Leaders Propose Revision to COVID-19 No-Visitor Policy


DePauw’s COVID-19 Student Working Group has drafted an inter-residence policy proposal, which has been forwarded to the COVID-19 Operations Task Force for review. If the task force endorses the plan, it will be sent to President Dr. White for approval, according to Julia Proctor, assistant dean of campus life and member of the COVID-19 task force.

The drafted policy will replace the highly scrutinized no-visitor policy for University- and Greek-owned property implemented this past Fall semester. 

The COVID-19 Student Working Group is comprised of representatives from various organizations: DePauw Student Government executive board, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, School of Music, International Student Association, First Year Experience Mentors, Resident Assistants, Student Athlete Advisory Council, and a first-year student representative. 

Representatives for the COVID-19 Student Working Group are asked to solicit feedback from their respective organizations to allow for multiple voices to be heard during the student-to-student discussions, according to Proctor.

“Student feedback is very important,” Proctor said. “Just as it is important that we also make decisions that are grounded in science and follow recommendations of health organizations like the CDC and the Indiana State DePartment of Health.”

As a Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) representative for the COVID-19 Student Working Group, Nicholas Nelson reached out to his committee yesterday to gather student athlete’s input about a possible adjustment of the current inter-residence policy. 

Nelson states that the push for visitor policy change does not involve a full lift in residential restrictions. “As much as we would like to have a normal DePauw housing and visitor experience at this time, it is not possible in today’s climate,” Nelson said. 

Representatives for the Student Working Group, President of the Panhellenic Association, Christina Bourantas, President of the Panhellenic Association, and Interfraternity Council President, Jack Kneisley, state that the main goal when drafting the inter-residential policy was to accurately represent the student body. 

According to Bourantas and Kneisley, the COVID-19 Student Working Group’s housing proposal included policy changes to all current residences. They declined to comment on whether the inter-residence policy changes would be the same for Greek properties and University housing.