Student government happenings


White papers moving forward

International student support:

The white paper is currently being revised to contain more of what the senators and international students involved in creating the white paper hoped to achieve, originally including more housing options over winter break and more summer storage options. On April 24, the white paper will be presented to student assembly for a vote. 

Facilities Management:

Following some decline in interest, the white paper on improving relations and usage of facilities management is being rewritten. It will be discussed and voted on at the student assembly meeting April 24.

Career Services:

Following a meeting with Steve Langerud, senators are still working on clarifying the white paper in order to fully support career services for the work they currently do for students, as well as explain how they might improve. The white paper will be discussed and voted on at the student assembly meeting April 24.

Tenure Review:

The white paper explaining the process of tenure review will likely not be put up for discussion and vote at the April 24 meeting as senators found little to change with the current policies.