Student government happenings


White papers voted on in 4/24 meeting:


Y:36 N:1 Abstain:3 

What it means to you: DePauw Student Government noticed shortcomings of the current faculty advising system and recommended these changes:

• Defining the term "adviser"

• Capping the number of advisees each adviser can take on

• Encouraging each department to compile a list of the focuses and concentrations of each professor

• Requiring advisers to alert students upon leaving campus and helping them find a substitute adviser

• Creating a plan to avoid conflicting advice for double majors and interdisciplinary majors

PASSED: Faculty advising

Y: 38 N:0 Abstain:3

What it means to you: Because students seem to undervalue the weight of evaluation forms as they are now, student government recommended adjustments to the forms themselves. The adjustments would promote more information for students who choose to evaluate in order to generate more effective evaluations 

PASSED:International Student support

Y:39 N:0 Abstain:2

What it means to you: Better housing options should be available for international students over academic breaks. The white paper recommends:

• Opening common rooms in Hogate Hall

• Developing a host program with domestic students

• Providing better summer opportunities, including summer storage options, and suggest lowering rates

• Availability of campus employment for international students 

PASSED: career services

y:41 N:0 Abstain:1

What it means to you: Student government applauds Career Services for changes made recently to better students' experiences.They also recommended:

• Expanded internship opportunities

• Further improved alumni relations

• Advising for music students

• Closer relations between career services and academic advisers

• Making off-campus experiences more financially viable