Staying safe for Monon


The DePauw community will be out in full force this weekend, as will be law enforcement, security and student support.  When the campus is expecting over 6000 guests, the university has no other choice than to call in extra support to prepare. 

According to Director of Public Safety Angela Nally, there will be plenty of people around.  Law enforcement officers including the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department will be on campus and Nolan Security will provide both security and law enforcement assistance with traffic as well as in tailgate area, parking lots, and during the game. 

In relation to the football game, public safety is stressing the importance of getting there early, providing ample time to go through the security and ticket process before kick off at 1:07pm. 

“This is something Wabash does really well,” said Nally.

All students will need both their student ID and paper ticket to enter the game.  Neither pets nor alcohol will be allowed into the stadium on Saturday.

In relation to the presence of Excise, a branch of the State Police Department that specifically targets underage and illegal consumption of alcohol, Nally said, “they don’t tell us if they are coming or not, but I would say if you are an excise officer in this region, you would probably know that Monon Bell is this Saturday and you would probably be here.” Nally then added, “people should assume they are here.”

With the added pressure of extra law enforcement, it is critical that students understand and abide by the state laws.

“People always ask can [excise] go into a fraternity,” said Nally.

The key is making the distinction between and open and closed event.  If anyone can enter the event, so can excise officers. 

At open events “when your providing alcohol to the public that’s where there could be responsibility from being an unlicensed vendor of alcohol,” said Nally. “I wouldn’t be handing out beer to people you don’t know.”

The Innerfraternity Council is also taking extra measures to ensure a safe weekend. 

IFC Vice president of risk, James Brashaber said, “Members of IFC will also be doing rounds throughout the fraternities to help eliminate risk issues before they develop and Public Safety is involved.”

In addition to extra security and law enforcement, Campus Life and Community Development (CLCD) will have extra professionals as well as resident assistants on duty for the weekend. 

JC Lopez, has been working on big party weekends with Emeline Hansen in the CLCD office on big party weekends to bring food trucks water stations and fun activities to create an enjoyable and safe environment for students.

Lopez and CLCD have coordinated a food truck to come on Friday to serve mac and cheese to students.  The food truck will be on Locust Street starting at 11pm and will go until the food runs out. 

As for Saturday, Brashaber said IFC will be providing water during the tailgate as well as making pizzas available at all of the fraternities in the evening.

A pancake breakfast will also take place Saturday night in the HUB from 11pm to 2 am.  The breakfast is free for students and has been a Monon staple over the last decade.  Bon Appetit provides hundreds of pancakes as well as water to the students.  

Lopez said, “it is a great way for students to come out, be with each other, celebrate and for them to get food in their system,” said Lopez. “Also if they need help there is always people around.”

Administrators and school officials have put many weeks worth of planning into making Monon a safe and successful event, and encourage students to go support the football players in bringing the bell home.