Start ramping up Ubben Lecture attendance


Since the current seniors have been at DePauw, the Ubben Lecture Series has brought three Nobel Peace Prize winners, three international Presidents (one of them 42nd United States President Bill Clinton), the founder of Wikipedia, congressmen, award-winning authors, directors and screenwriters. On Tuesday, Sept. 25, CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley spoke in Kresge Auditorium, and compared to our previous Ubben lecturers, it was poorly attended.
It's easy to lose ourselves in the rigorous syllabi, the overbooked campus and philanthropy activities and the active social life, but, come on. The Ubben's are generous enough to bring world leaders to DePauw's campus, and we're not showing up? The Ubben lecturers, like Crowley, can teach us more about the world than staring at that textbook for an extra hour can. So next time, go. When college ends, you will never have this frequent of access to so many incredibly interesting and successful people again.
We ask you to refer to The DePauw's cartoon in the past issue, illustrating the infamous "bubble" stigma that we've labeled DePauw. Let's not allow this to be true. Yes, DePauw, we're in Greencastle, Ind., but do not cut yourselves off from what's happening in the world. Attend the next Ubben lecturer and any other speaker that comes to DePauw, you'll be glad you did.