Special Olympics basketball tournament encourages community, students to unify


For the 25th consecutive year, DePauw will host a statewide all-women's basketball tournament on Saturday for the Special Olympics.

DePauw will welcome 31 teams to participate in this year's competition in the Lilly Athletic Center's main gym. The welcoming ceremony begins at 11 a.m. and the tournament games start at 12:30 p.m.

Mayor Sue Murray and junior Olivia Carmel, Panhellenic Council's director of philanthropy and services and head organizer of the event, will give an opening welcome speech. DePauwCapella will sing the national anthem and two additional songs. There will also be a dance performance by X-Cell.

Students from all over campus plan to help out during the day. Many Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council greek chapters have committed to attending the event and cheering on the players. Student athletes will assist in facilitating the event.

As in years past, the Tiger football team will provide timers, scorekeepers and encouragement for the teams playing.

Following the day of tournaments, a spa night and free pizza will be provided in the Auxiliary Gym. This is the first year that this evening event will take place.

"The pizza party Saturday night will give Special Olympics athletes and DePauw athletes a chance to interact outside of the time during the games," said senior Jonathon Cripe, president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and co-organizer of the event.

There will be women from each sorority house giving free manicures and pedicures to athletes.

Jack Daddy Sunrise, a band comprised of DePauw students, is also scheduled to perform Saturday night.

The weekend tournament will conclude on Sunday with a brunch hosted by the sororities, followed by the last games of the tournament.

"It's exciting for me to see how the DePauw community as well as Greencastle comes together to make it special for the athletes participating," Carmel said. "It's a lot of fun, everyone comes out and cheers. It's an exciting event for students and athletes."

Carmel began organizing the event at the beginning of January. She is spearheading the event with Cripe and junior Andrew Kahn, vice president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee.

Cripe is looking forward to seeing how this year's Olympics shape up.

"This Special Olympics basketball tournament has been going on for years with great success," Cripe said. "We all look forward to helping at the games and working with the Special Olympics athletes."

Carmel also worked with Rachel Robertson, intern for the director of Special Olympics based in Indianapolis. This is Robertson's first time assisting.

Robertson has been impressed with how much of DePauw will be involved in Special Olympics and is looking forward to it finally being here.

"It shows a lot about the campus that a variety of people want to help with such an event and make the tournament that much better for all of the athletes," Robertson said. "It has been a few busy months with the planning and I'm ready for it to finally be here."

The committee hopes the DePauw community will respond to the event with the same enthusiasm that they have in years past.

"I am excited for DePauw to come together and help with a great cause," Cripe said.