Senior selected as Indianapolis 500 Festival princess


DePauw is now home to a different kind of royalty.

Rajpreet Heir, senior, was recently selected to be among the 33 girls chosen for the 500 Festival Princess Program. The program, created in 1957, is dedicated to organizing civic events celebrating the Indianapolis 500.

Heir, who learned in February that she had been chosen for the Princess Program, was one of 274 girls who applied. After an initial interview, the number was cut to 66, before a second and final interview where the official 33 girls were chosen.

"You can't fully prepare for the interviews," Heir said. "It was really nerve-wracking,"

The princesses, once chosen, are involved in statewide outreach programs, including visits to hospitals, schools, nursing homes and media outlets, among other events leading up to the race, which takes place on May 27.

In order to be chosen as a 500 Festival Princess Program, a girl must be within the ages of 18 and 23, single, a legal resident of Indiana and a full-time student in a fully-accredited Indiana college. Being involved in the community and the school are not requirements, but are highly encouraged.

Heir tried out for the Princess Program last year as well, but she was not selected for the final 33. Heir said she decided to change her approach for this year.

"I wore one of my mom's business suits from the 80's last year - bad idea," she said. "Then I didn't give very extensive answers during the interviews." She explained that she revamped her look and did her research before trying out again.

Thus far, Heir has participated in three community outreach programs, which are required by the program. One of which allowed her to pay a visit to her own elementary school.

"It was so awesome to go back," she said. "I got to see all my old teachers. Reading to the elementary school kids and they would ask me things like, 'Is your crown real?' and 'Do you live in a castle?'"

Heir will be attending the Indianapolis 500 for the first time on May 27. She had the opportunity to watch the race last year, but declined because she wanted to attend as a Princess, opting to babysit her small cousins instead.

"It's amazing to be able to see the race for the first time," Heir said. "But as a Princess, in a suite, with celebrities."

Friends of Heir said that the 500 Festival Princess Program is a perfect fit for her.

"She's always surprising me," said sophomore Eleanor Axt. "I'm always fascinated by what she's going to do next."

On the weekend of the race, the 33 Princesses will be staying in Indianapolis for the duration of their stay. They will participate in the IPL 500 Festival Parade, waving to spectators along the route, along with taking a ceremonial lap around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway immediately before the race begins.

Heir said she is ecstatic for this opportunity and that her participation in the 500 Festival Princess Program will encourage other girls to try out for it.

"I'm just hoping more girls from DePauw will apply for it," Heir said. "I'm really happy they picked someone who looks different. Other girls might apply if they see it isn't just blonde, past-pageant queens who participate."